Monday, April 28, 2014

5K RUN FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next weekend is the run for public schools! I am so excited to run it again because I did it last year and it was a lot of fun! Last year I completed the race in 30 min. and 45 seconds, while doing about a 9:55 pace. The fastest runner of the kids did the race in 19 min. and 30 sec. Isn't that fast?! My strategy is to start out a little bit slower than you would like to go, than slowly increase the speed, and slow down if you feel really exhausted, yet at the finish line I always sprint as fast as I can. I love to run the race because it's overall fun, but at the same time I'm doing it for a good cause, which helps to motivate me near the end of the race when it gets hard. This year my former fourth grade teacher will be running it too, so that will be fun. Overall, I'm looking forward to it very much!

Spring Break 2014

My spring break was okay, though a little bit chaotic at points. Here's what happened.

First, I had to babysit my Aunt's dog for two days. Not to bad right? True, though I have a cat, which complicates things. The first night my aunt's dog chased my cat up the stairs and frightened him (the cat) into hiding in the closet. This happened after the complete disaster where my cat puffed up his tail, fur standing on end, and hissed at my Aunt's dog (which motivated the dog into chasing my cat up the stairs). Then, on the weekend before spring break ended, me, my mom, and my dad, went two places to visit friends, one a five hour drive, and then from there to the other, it was a two hour drive. The rest of the break I mostly relaxed and did homework.
In my opinion, the PS 10 Tech homework was pretty fun. Who need you could create so many things without technology, such as a human kaleidoscope !
Overall, my spring break was relatively fun.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

LINKS- I HAVE PROOF (EVIL LAUGH) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, these links below are to watch KimYuna's Sochi Olympic performance, and to watch Adelina Sotnikova's Sochi Olympic performance. Once you watch them, you will see proof of my statement in "How Unfair", one of my recent posts.

CLICK HERE to see KimYuna's Sochi Olympic performance
CLICK HERE to watch Adelina Sotnikova's Sochi Olympic performance

P.S. Did you notice Adelina Sotnikova's trip? Also, notice how the announcer/person who comments says at the end where Adelina Sotnikova recieves her score, " I'm not sure I agree with that".  :-)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Reflection on the ELA Test

As we all know, last week was the ELA State Test . For me, ELA test was pretty easy, and on a scale of one to ten (ten being unbelievably easy, and one being horribly hard) I would rate the tests a 7. 5.
 I think the tests were overall very fair and didn't include any subject areas that were not studied in class. The passages were interesting enough for them not to be boring, and all of the questions were relevant to the passage and at least two pieces of supporting evidence could be found to back up your claim in the short responses. I felt like I had just enough time for Day One and Day Two, but for Day Three, I only had one minute left when I finished, therefore I think that the Day Three time could be extended from the original time by maybe ten minutes.
 After taking the tests I felt like they were accurate assessments of what was learned this year (and other years) in class. The essay question on Day Two was a little bit difficult for me because I could only find a few pieces of supporting evidence to support my statement. Surprisingly, Day One was the hardest day for me, Day Two the second most difficult, and Day Three the easiest, which is unusual in my case because short responses are my weaknesses.
Overall, the ELA state test (for me) was okay and I found it to be decent and reasonable.